Ever felt misunderstood, like that invisible big pink elephant in the middle of a crowded room? So many faces, so many things going on yet you can't seem to articulate these emotions and thoughts running through you? Interacting with others is not easy, the world is already a scary place, even more so when you can't process your surroundings like everyone else. This is the case with Autism on a spectrum of a variety.
I was honored a few weeks ago to get an inside look into what it's like for a family that endures the ups and downs of Autism and on all days; it was Autism Awareness day April 2nd. I did this photoshoot with the "Bello" family of 4; Francis, Mom to Maria, a 14yr old young lady with this natural beauty and humble confidence, a younger 10yr old brother named AJ who we did a previous photoshoot of as the up & coming kid model a few weeks back, and the star of the show, youngest of the crew, 4yr old Evan.