The goal was to simply give back to the community while making folks look good for the very least we could charge.
Many do not realize the importance of a great headshot in their professional online profile. It truly says more than
1000 words to those who are looking to do business with you. The most basic thing I feel it says, is that if you care
enough about your business to get a professional headshot and look good, then you will provide that same care to
serving me as a potential client.
There will be more events coming soon in the near future so stay tuned and keep a lookout but while you wait; set up
an appointment for your own session just because tomorrow’s never promised and your today's will always become
tomorrow's. Love yourself, treat yourself, cherish your moments and don’t forget to....
Be Confident, Be Gracious, Be YOU!
Originally posted on Feburary 18, 2016